Monday, December 26, 2005

serenity, family

ok so based on the title of my blog, i bet you think 'serenity' means i had some new revelation about my life...actually, i'm just referring to the Joss Whedon sci fi movie. LOVED it! okay, okay, so i admit i'm obsessed with Buffy and Angel (thank you Watson! your DVDs are still safe in my home) and that i played encore once and actually sang songs from the musical Buffy episode (ssshh), but dude, it was good. i wish they'd just let him keep making shows on TV and stop cancelling them...grrr.

before seeing the flick, i saw my great-uncle today; he has cancer and is having worse and worse pain, but i was really happy to see him still looking very active and present today. i'm so glad i took chinese in college; i actually was able to follow most of the conversation the family was having with him. i have some lingering regrets on not being loving enough to my grandmother (dad's mom) before she passed away; i was an impatient and self-absorbed teenager, and that in conjunction with the language barrier made it frustrating to try and talk to her. she lived with us in her last couple years, and i feel like there was so much more i could have done for her, to make her happy, satisfied, to make her feel appreciated and worthwhile. *sigh* but i believe the best thing you can do with a mistake is to learn from it. i want my other grandmother, my parents, relatives, and friends to feel supported by me, happy, fulfilled. that's my biggest wish and goal.


Catherine said...

I just have to say, that Encore show was pretty cheese.

...but amusing, nonetheless. :)

cindabin said...

actually, Encore is the name of a board game that I played, in which you draw a card with a word written on it, and you have to sing as many songs as you can with that word in the lyrics. In my desperation to think of more songs, I decided to sing the Buffy songs I thought of, rather than keeping them to myself under the pretense of being cool. ;) FYI, the Buffy musical episode is called "Once More With Feeling."