Friday, December 30, 2005

home sweet home...for a day

hellooooo...i'm home!! i can't tell you how happy i am to no longer be on a plane with a crick in my neck, sitting next to a large, smelly, and slightly rude man, and with airplane headphones that don't work, having missed the drink service because i had dozed off, having woken up at 4am to catch my 6:30am flight an hour's drive away, only to find that the flight was delayed because the flight crew arrived late that morning (what IS that??). rraaarrgh!!

it just made the moment ever sweeter in which i stepped into my apartment after having waited for a shuttle in the rain, rode for over an hour in it and lugged my bags up the stairs with my weak, tired and stiff legs. i opened the door and immediately an imaginary choir heralded my homecoming. you know how you feel so good that you imagine choruses of people singing a heavenly note "Aaaaaah...!" That's what i mean.

i should be sleeping right now; instead, as soon as i was home i cleaned my entire bathroom, did some laundry, and picked up around my room. so typical. i wonder why i always persist in doing anything but sleep even when i'm so tired my head is throbbing.

and alas, this little retreat from outside interaction is shortlived. tomorrow i hop on another plane and head down to SoCal to spend new year's, coming back the day after (on new year's day), and the day after that, going back to work. *sigh*

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