Monday, May 16, 2005

reiki response

I just took a Reiki I class yesterday, and I think it may have thrown me off a bit.

I liked the class; it attuned us to the first level of reiki practice. Some parts of it I thought were neat, other parts seemed a little hokey to me, perhaps. But the main message of Reiki I really like, because it contains lots of similarities to the values I have about life, loving kindness, and releasing of "ego":

"For today only, anger not, worry not,
Have humility and gratitude.
Do your work with appreciation;
Be kind to all."

During the class, we each received an attunement to activate our ability to channel Reiki energy, which is basically the same concept of chi, or prana, in other meditative practices in other cultures. We were warned that after our attunement, for the next several days we might have a reaction to it. Some people get sick, others may feel pleasant or unpleasant emotions, some people may notice nothing; it depends on the individual.

As for me, I think I may be in the "unpleasant emotions" camp. I've been in really good spirits the past month or so, having finally adjusted to my new job and lifestyle change. All of a sudden, after the class, though, I've been feeling super irritable, which hasn't happened to me in a while. I feel off, a little spacey, and restless, and I notice myself taking things personally and reacting strongly to what I know doesn't really have to be a big deal. I hope it's the Reiki, and not just me being crappy! I guess the best I can do is follow the advice about what to do for the few weeks after the class (do self-Reiki, drink lots of water, meditate, eat healthily) and try to keep the basic principles in mind. Even if it doesn't do anything (although doing those things should have positive effects, Reiki or no Reiki), it can't hurt, right?

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