Thursday, April 19, 2007

okay, sleep. i'm ready for you. no, really.

good lord. i'm sufficiently indignant to feel the need to delay bedtime in order to write that i haven't had this crazy a schedule since i was a student. i'm just waiting for a free moment to catch up on sleep...been waiting for a few weeks now.

i was going along for a while just fine with preparation for this Jazz & Pop concert PME is putting on. unlike most other concerts, this one is primarily made up of small group numbers, and people in the group put together their own small group songs, rehearse them on their own time, then audition within the group (coming April 30) to see which songs make it into the show.

i'm rehearsing 9 songs for the auditions, which means i've been going up to berserkeley literally 5 to 6 days a week, and from campbell, that's no small feat.

i was fine until this past weekend, when i flew to MD for my grandmother's 80th birthday celebration, which was basically a huge family reunion (160+ people!). i basically got a total of 8 hours of sleep the whole weekend, and came back to CA only to hit the ground running again with rehearsals, which is just not cool anymore. i have had zero time to catch up on the sleep i lost this weekend, and i'm starting to resort to drastic measures to keep myself awake on the drives home from berkeley late at night...

can we say burning out?

...and with that, i'm off to bed. thank GOD i finally have a break from rehearsals for the next 2 nights.

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