Thursday, June 09, 2005

I'm taking the BFL Challenge!!!

I've done it. I've taken the plunge: this past Monday, I started the Body-for-Life program! If you haven't ever heard of it (, it's a 12-week program created by Bill Phillips of eating right and exercising. My cousin successfully completed the challenge several years back; I kind of tried to jump on the band wagon then, but I hadn't read the book, and I was cutting corners here and there from the regimen, and most of all, I didn't really believe that I could change the way my body looked.

That's a big part of what he talks about in his book that describes the program. Basically, what it boils down to is that old saying, "if you can believe it, you can achieve it." Back then, I only wanted to do it because I thought it would be nice to look more in shape. I did the working out part okay, but I was too attached to junk food and fattening foods to even promise myself to cut them out of my diet 6 days a week. Eventually even my workouts became lackluster--I did them just to get through them, not because I was excited about the eventual results, which I didn't really think I had it in me to achieve.

This time, it's totally different. I bought the book myself (a year ago, after which it was promptly borrowed by my mother until a week ago ;) ), and as I read through it last week, I was astounded at how much what he said was hitting home with me. Not just with regards to physical fitness; he talked about how taking control of your body, and taking CARE of your body, is only the first step in taking care of every other aspect of your life.

And that hit me really hard. Sure, I am partially motivated to do it because I've been gaining more weight since I got out of school; I currently weigh more than I ever have in my life, in the past few years I've developed chronic knee/hip/lower back/upper back pain, and I've been tired all the time. But just as importantly, he reminded me of what was already supposed to be one of my deepest values: that mind, BODY, and soul are all connected. The fact that my body has been getting out of my control only makes sense when I consider the fact that I've also had mood swings, bouts of depression and insecurity, and confusion about my direction in life.

When I created this blog not so long ago, I was kind of in flux with these issues. I knew what my values were, and I knew that in the past I'd made good progress in certain ways--in letting loved ones know more often how much I care about them, for instance, or in taking up meditation. But nothing seemed to stick with me for the long term. I created this blog partially because I wanted a place to share some of my goings on, but also because I didn't want to let myself lose sight of what I most value and strive for in life. But I still didn't know what I was going to do to actually get there.

Reading this book made me realize that I need to do this program for myself. I need to show myself that I can set a long-term goal and actually stick with it, and see results because I stuck with it. Long-term efforts have always been a problem with me, and until now I just couldn't bring myself to make a self-promise like, "I will stick to this 12-week program and see results A, B, and C," because I was convinced that I'd just let myself down.

But not this time. I know now that not just my figure, but my values, my health, and ultimately my happiness in life are all at stake. I can't begin to describe what an important step this is for me. I've told several friends and members of my family, and now I've published it in my blog, so that even if my own resolve starts to wear thin, I'll know that I either have to continue and succeed in reaching my goals, or my friends, family, and anyone who reads this blog will think I'm a loser!! If that doesn't motivate me, I don't know what will. ;)

Anyhoo, I feel great so far. Some of the meals I've prepared so far are actually really tasty; it's a good thing I took up cooking recently, because home cooking always seems to taste better anyway. And after only a few days of being on the program, I already have more energy at work; before, I used to get so tired I'd have to sneak a nap in the middle of the day.

Alright, I've done enough ranting for tonight!

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