Sunday, May 18, 2008

How many of these do you remember?

This should be a little walk down memory lane for you, if you're tapped into internet culture:

While I had to raise my eyebrow at the occasional female-objectifying comments slipped into the article (seems to be pretty typical of, I appreciated being able to get more context around some of the internet phenomena I already remembered seeing before.

I remembered the Hamster Dance from my days as a prefrosh; visiting and staying at a college dorm (can't remember which), some guy sneaked into someone else's dorm room while they were sleeping, went to the hamsterdance website, turned the volume way up and ran out. Totally obnoxious...and hilarious.

The annoying motorcycle frog dude brought me back to the early days of my relationship with Catherine; true to form, she thought the frog was super cute. ;)

Of course, All Your Base also made it onto the list. I can't believe they reported about it on national television; hearing the anchorwoman repeat the phrase (not once, but twice) in her anchorperson voice was highly distressing and may have caused me actual physical pain.

And my favorite item on the list that I'd never actually heard of before: Rickrolling. The pop-up video is...awesome.