Tuesday, March 25, 2008

some kickin' shows coming up...

Hey guess what? :D

My group gets to perform with Sweet Honey in the Rock in less than 2 weeks. For those of you who don't know them, here's the obligatory Wikipedia link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweet_Honey_in_the_Rock

I first heard about them in my Feminist Studies 101 course at Stanford; their music often speaks to issues of race and gender. I never guessed I'd get to sing with them in the future! The music relates to ties and communication across generations; there's also a youth choir collaborating that is supposed to be off the hook as well. I guess I'm not "youth" anymore; I'm now supposed to be passing my wisdom on to the young ones. :)

Up until now PME has only rehearsed alone, but starting next week we'll start rehearsing together with the other performers. The music is very rhythmic, with an easy groove. I know it will be a blast to perform once we put the pieces together.

And then the week after this awesome show, we get to do a complete 180 and go up to perform the finale of Beethoven's 9th with the Napa Valley Symphony. Given how much I thoroughly enjoyed performing with and listening to Quartet San Francisco when we collaborated with them at our holiday concert, I am really beside myself to get to perform with an entire symphony. The last thing I did that even came close was singing in the All-State choir with the All-State orchestra in high school. Methinks this performance will be a whole different ballgame. So excited.

Oh, and I will also very soon be a first-time homeowner. More on that later, I suppose. Now I'm off to bed.