Friday, March 23, 2007

wachet auf!

That's German for "wake up!" and it's the title of the latest performance by PME. We had our first show last weekend aaaall the way up in Santa Rosa, reminding me yet again just how far south I live from the group's home base in Berkeley. I did use that as an excuse to spend an 'anniversary' weekend with Catherine in Sonoma beforehand, replete with a reprise at the Trojan Horse Inn bed & breakfast, and a wine hike a la Russ Beebe. So...I suppose it wasn't a total loss! ;)

Anyway, about the PME concert, a member of the group, Nette, wrote a nice blog entry about that performance, with pictures a la Catherine, no less! The show kicked butt, imho, especially given the almost obscenely small amount of time we had to prepare for it. We've got two more shows this weekend, and then a total context switch from this classical, often German set, to rehearsing for our annual Jazz & Pop a cappella show. Wow, who'd have thunk I'd be doing a cappella again after college was over?

While I've felt pretty consistently for the past few weeks as though there was no time for me to think (let alone blog), I have to say I've been having a blast. I LOVE that singing is in my life again, and it's totally worth the countless car/BART/walking treks up to Berkeley, SF and *gasp* Santa Rosa.

I guess despite my not having been this sleep-deprived since I stopped having homework, and drowning in rivers of email, schedules, and work, I'm kinda slipping into happy niches in various parts of my life. At work, I've successfully navigated my way from 'college hire' to valued team member. At PME, more and more people (though still not all) have stopped confusing me with the other new Asian girl in the group (yeah...doh!). In general, I'm just in my zone right now--I'm 25, not 21, not 30. I like that.

Now if only Catherine were in the Bay Area...*sigh*