Thursday, January 11, 2007

a testimonial

Hey y'all,

I just wrote a testimonial for my sister's website, She's a chiropractor specializing in Network Spinal Analysis. I'm pasting the testimonial here--enjoy! It's all true, btw.

"When I experienced network spinal analysis for the first time, I was extremely skeptical. My sister had taken me along with her to her network chiropractor, and I remember thinking to myself, while being entrained, that I couldn’t feel anything happening, that it didn’t make sense that anything would happen; the chiropractor was barely touching me at all. When I stood up afterwards, he told me that one of my legs had been shorter than the other, and that they were now even. I didn’t notice anything, and left still disbelieving.

"Years later, when my sister decided to pursue a career in network spinal analysis, I decided to suspend my disbelief and give it another try, if for no other reason than to support her in her choice—what did I have to lose? Yet, over the next several visits, I had to admit to myself that I sometimes did feel parts of my body begin to relax during entraining, and that, more often than not, by the end of my entraining session, I was able to breathe fully from the tip of my head to the tips of my toes in a totally effortless manner. Being a generally high-stress over-achiever, this sense of physical and mental peace was a very new experience!

"Over time, this vague experience of relaxation evolved into a very acute awareness of my body and heart. At a typical entrainment session, my sister will gently but firmly touch a particular spot along my spine, and I will suddenly become aware of several areas of tension in my body. And having become connected with the areas of tension, I become able to let them go, to let them seep out of my body. Often I feel a sense of relief. Some days, I feel a surge of new energy as old aches in my neck, shoulders, hips, or back melt away. Other days, I feel exhausted, because I’m relaxing my body for the first time all week. A few times, I’ve even cried as some wordless, suppressed pain that I’d locked away somewhere in my body was finally acknowledged and released.

"These experiences have had a profound effect on my life and well-being. I’ve learned that there is a close, clear connection between my physical body and my mental and emotional states. While I still don’t always treat my body and my self perfectly, I am more aware of the effects of my choices on all aspects of my being. My network care gives me a chance to check in with myself, and to figure out how to take care of myself. And in so doing, I’ve discovered greater compassion for myself, and a greater sense of inner strength and security from which I can extend greater compassion to others.

"After having such life-changing experiences, and after seeing for myself time and time again that they are a direct result of the network care I receive, I’d be a fool to retain my former skepticism. The progress I make in my entrainment sessions is inextricably linked to the progress I’ve made elsewhere, in striving to live as fully and openly as I can. As a result, network care, so much more than just medical care or physical therapy, has become a part of my life."
